Hair Loss and Possible Causes

The factors involved in hair loss are:

  • heredity
  • hormones
  • aging

Much research has been conducted on the possible causes for this frustrating condition. Scientists have yet to determine the exact cause for hair loss.

One theory is that the body's immune system mistakes the hair follicles for foreign matter and then attacks them.

Male pattern baldness is common in men. There is a hereditary predisposion to this disorder and is influenced by androgens which are male hormones. According to research, hair follicles that are suseptible to AGA (androgenetic alopecia) may have receptors that are programmed to shut off hair production with the influence of androgens.

Many men choose to try medications that are suppose to treat hair loss such as Rogaine (minoxidil) or Lontein (minoxidil). Sometimes a dermatologist who specializes in treating men with this condition will combine Retin A with these medications with the hope that it will exfoliate the scalp and allow the drugs to penetrate deeper into the scalp. As with any medication there is risk of side effects so one must do some investigation into this.

Women can experience the same type of hair loss, but it is usually not as severe and tends to occur mostly after menopause. Unfortunately, most women experience some loss of hair as they grow older. Women can have temporary hair loss due to hormonal changes such as with pregnancy.

Other possible causes include:

  • poor circulation
  • acute illness
  • radiation
  • surgery
  • weight loss
  • high fever
  • thyroid disease see this post
  • iron deficiency
  • diabetes
  • drugs
  • poor diet
  • fungal infections
  • chemicals from hair dye
  • vitamin deficiencies

A healthy well balanced diet is important in maintaining hair health.

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