Foods for Healthy Hair


Diet is very important for hair health. What you eat shows up in your hair. A diet that is full of cupcakes and soda pop can have a very negative affect on hair. A diet that is full of junk food and deficient in healthy foods that provide much needed important nutrients can result in hair that has lost its luster and shine or worse: hair loss. On the other hand, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, getting sufficient good quality protein, and enough essential fatty acids will add up to a basket full of benefits for your hair.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of important antioxidants and important vitamins like vitamin B and C. Eating these importants foods on a daily basis will give your body the nutritional boost it needs to be able to grow healthy hair.

Free radicals which are produced by the body on a daily basis can attack hair follicles and damage them. Damaged hair follicles have a difficult time growing healthy hair. Antioxidants fight the free radicals that can damage hair follicles. Free radicals age the body on a daily basis.

Good quality protein is important for hair growth as hair is made up of protein. Good quality protein sources include eggs, fish, lean meat, and cooked dry beans or peas. Four to nine ounces of protein per day is plenty or most people. A protein deficiency can cause hair to become thin, dry, and dull.

Essential fatty acids are found in cold pressed oils such as flax seed oil. These provide shine, fight inflammation, and protect cell membranes from damage.

Here is a list of foods that are healthy for hair:

  • cold water fish like salmon and tuna
  • eggs
  • whole wheat and wheat bran
  • kale, spinach, and other green leafy vegies
  • brown rice
  • cantalope
  • blueberries
  • fruits especially citrus
  • lentils
  • molasses

Eat healthy and be healthy!


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