Greg Behrendt with a Modern Twist on 80's Hairstyles


photograph by photorazzi / Chris Hatcher

Greg Behrendt shows up here in this picture with a fun men's hairstyle and it is borderline 80's fashion. The back is longer than the sides (which was typical of the mullet) and the top is spiked up with strands finely separated with some hair texturizing product. The sides are slicked back over the ears and the back is collar length. He has light brown hair that has some honey highlights.

He does have some facial hair in the form of a goatee. He looks like a pretty hip and fashionable 40 something year old guy and we know how difficult it is for most men to move past whatever the style was when they were in their 20's. This haircut is a modern twist for 2007 on the retro mullet style.

Greg is a stand-up comedian and best-selling author. He co-wrote the book "He's Just Not That Into You."